The mission of Quinnipiack Valley Health District (QVHD) is to protect the residents of Bethany, Hamden, North Haven and Woodbridge, Connecticut from disease, injury and environmental health hazards through prevention, education, enforcement and collaboration.

QVHD accomplishes its mission through:

  • Environmental health services that insure compliance with the state and local laws, regulations and ordinances.

  • Systemic identification of community health concerns and risks.

  • Preventive services for the early control and identification of disease.

  • Provision of current, credible information to promote healthy lifestyle choices.

  • Local and regional emergency preparedness for response to an unexpected environmental or biological event.

  • Collaboration with local and government leaders in setting health priorities.

Public Health Defined 

The organized, interdisciplinary efforts that address the physical, mental & environmental health concerns of communities and populations at risk for health and  injury.

QVHD is organized under chapter 368f of the Connecticut General Statutes.